Tamil Nadu State Board is responsible for conducting the Board examinations for the students studying in the State Board in Std X and XII. The XII marks of relevant subject are considered for higher education courses.

In Tamil Nadu, admission to professional course like Engineering are on the basis of marks secured in Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary Examination(TN HSE) or Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE).

Table of Contents

1. Quick Summary
2. Eligibility Criteria
3. Cut off Calculation

Quick Summary

Region LevelTamil Nadu
Subjects12th Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/Biology
Exam DateMar 1st Week to 3rd Week
Exam ResultMay 1st Week
Exam ModePen and Paper-based Test
FrequencyConducted Once a year
Exam Duration3 hours Exam Time: 9 PM to 12 PM
Total Marks100 Per Subject
Medium of the examEnglish, Tamil
Official Websitehttps://tnresults.nic.in/

Eligibility Criteria

Academic: Passing score in all academic subjects with minimum 45% average marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry put together in Class 12 for General Category and 40% for all other categories.

Vocational: Passing score in all vocational subjects with minimum 45% average marks in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Vocational Subject put together in Class 12 for General Category and 40% for all other categories. Prescribed vocational subjects for Engineering courses are given below.

Cut off Calculation

The selection of candidates for engineering courses will be based on the marks obtained in the relevant subjects reduced to 200 (Mathematics:100, Physics + Chemistry : 100) in the qualifying examination.

For Engineering, Tamil Nadu Engineering Cut off = Maths + (Chemistry / 2) + (Physics / 2)

Improvement marks improvement marks obtained by the candidates including Other State candidates will not be considered for cut off calculation.

Mark Normalisation

Marks obtained by the students conducted by various Boards such as CBSE, ICSE, other state boards, etc shall be normalised with the marks obtained by the students in the same subject of Tamil Nadu State Board based on the highest marks scored in each board examination.

If the highest mark secured by the Tamil Nadu state board student in Mathematics is 100 and the highest mark secured by a student of ICSE Board in Mathematics is 90, then highest marks in each board will be equated to 100.

If a student of ICSE Board secures 60 marks in Mathematics when the first mark in Mathematics in the same Board is 90, 60 marks will be considered to be equal to 66.66 marks.

(60/90) ∗ 100 = 66.66%

After normalisation of marks in Maths, Physics, Chemistry subject in the +2 examination conducted by various Boards, the cut off needs to be calculated.

In general, few students from CBSE board takes 100 in all relevant subjects and normalisation was not done for last few years.