
How do I know if engineering is the right field for me?

Getting into engineering is embracing vast ocean of innovation, discovery, and challenge. This journey, filled with its own sets of triumphs and trials, is not for everyone. Yet, for those with a certain set of interests, skills, and passions, it can be the most rewarding voyage of their lifetime.

To determine if engineering is the right field for you, consider the following factors:

A Foundation Built on Curiosity and Problem-Solving

At the heart of engineering lies an insatiable curiosity about the workings of the world. This discipline does not merely accept the status quo but constantly questions, “How can this be better?” If you find yourself dismantling gadgets to glimpse their inner workings, or if the thought of solving puzzles exhilarates you, these are early signs that engineering might be your calling.

This inherent desire to solve problems is more than just a penchant for fixing things; it’s a mindset. Engineers look at challenges as opportunities to innovate. Whether it’s devising a more efficient engine or developing software that can change how we interact with the world, engineering is about crafting solutions. If the prospect of facing and solving complex problems invigorates you, this is a significant indicator that engineering aligns with your personal ethos.

A Passion for Math and Science: The Building Blocks of Engineering

Engineering is underpinned by principles of mathematics and science. These subjects are not just academic requirements but the very language through which engineering speaks. A strong aptitude and enthusiasm for math and science are paramount, as these tools will be your companions in translating theoretical concepts into practical solutions.

If you revel in the logic of mathematics and the exploratory nature of science—delighting in the whys and hows of the universe—engineering offers a path to apply these interests in tangible, impactful ways. This alignment between your academic strengths and the foundational elements of engineering is a clear signal that this field might be the right professional pathway for you.

Creativity and Innovation: Engineering’s Artistic Side

Often overlooked, the creative dimension of engineering is as critical as its analytical counterpart. Engineering is not just about finding answers but discovering novel ways to approach problems. It’s about innovation and envisioning what has not yet been created.

If you are someone who thrives in creative expression, finding joy in designing or imagining new concepts, engineering provides a canvas as vast as your imagination. From creating sustainable cities to developing life-saving medical devices, engineering harnesses creativity to build a better future.

The Desire to Make a Difference

A defining trait of many engineers is the desire to make a meaningful impact on the world. Engineering is at the forefront of addressing some of the most pressing challenges of our time, such as climate change, renewable energy, and healthcare innovations. If you are driven by a purpose beyond just personal success, aiming to contribute positively to society and the planet, engineering offers a direct avenue to fulfill these aspirations.

Teamwork and Communication: The Collaborative Core of Engineering

Engineering is rarely a solitary endeavor. It thrives on collaboration, requiring engineers to work in multidisciplinary teams. If you find satisfaction in shared success and have the ability to communicate ideas clearly and effectively, you possess essential qualities for a career in engineering. The ability to work well with others, exchanging ideas and building upon them, is crucial in turning abstract concepts into real-world applications.

Adaptability and Lifelong Learning

The landscape of engineering is ever-evolving, with new technologies, materials, and methodologies emerging at a rapid pace. An engineer must be adaptable, willing to embrace new information, and continuously update their skill set. This profession demands a commitment to lifelong learning, staying abreast of the latest advancements in your field.

If you are excited by the prospect of perpetual growth and the continuous expansion of your knowledge and abilities, engineering is a field where you will thrive. This relentless pursuit of innovation is what propels engineering forward, and those who are part of it must be eager to learn and evolve.

Resilience in the Face of Challenges

Engineering tasks can be daunting, often requiring numerous iterations and facing unforeseen obstacles. Resilience, the ability to persevere through setbacks, is a hallmark of successful engineers. This career is for those who view failure not as a deterrent but as a stepping stone to success.

If you are undeterred by challenges, viewing them as opportunities to learn and grow, your mindset aligns with the resilient spirit of engineering. This ability to push through adversity, to refine and improve upon your designs, is what ultimately leads to breakthrough innovations.


Deciding to pursue a career in engineering is not a decision to be made lightly. It requires introspection, a deep understanding of your own interests and abilities, and a consideration of the kind of impact you wish to have on the world. Engineering is a profession that offers limitless possibilities to those who are ready to embrace its challenges and opportunities.

If, after contemplation, you find that your passions, skills, and values align with the core tenets of engineering discussed herein, you may very well have found your professional calling. Remember, the path to becoming an engineer is as much about discovering yourself as it is about acquiring the necessary academic and practical skills. May your journey into the realm of engineering be both fulfilling and transformative, leading you to a career where you can truly make a difference.